

Welcome to the House of Flavors

A little bit background - because of a chronic stomach condition, I haven't been able to eat ice cream in ten years. TEN YEARS. Imagine my suffering.

But after years of seeing a nutritionist and trying dozens of different diets and herbal remedies, my stomach has slowly been healing, and I am once again able to eat frozen deliciousness made from milk and cream and sugar. I am ecstatic, which I'm sure any ice cream lover can understand.

When I discovered I could once again eat ice cream without getting sick, I came up with the brilliant idea that I would undertake an epic taste test of Ben & Jerry's dozens of ice cream flavors. And starting with this original taste test, this blog is where I record and review all results of my ice cream taste testing adventures. Enjoy my rapturous observations about each delicious flavor and please feel free to share your own opinions in the comments section!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ben & Jerry's Taste Test Bucket List

A little bit background: Because of a chronic stomach condition, I haven't been able to eat in ten years.  TEN YEARS.  Imagine my suffering.

But thanks to the awesome nutritionists that I've been seeing for the past two years, my stomach lining has slowly healed... and I am once again able to eat frozen deliciousness made from milk and cream and sugar.  I am ECSTATIC, which I'm sure any ice cream lover can understand.

After ten years of being ice cream deprived, though, my memories of enjoying delicious frozen dairy confections are pretty vague.  I remember that my grandparents used to take my family to the Dairy-O, the local soft serve stand on the corner with a somewhat dilapidated red and white striped awning, but I don't remember what I ordered.  Probably just a chocolate and vanilla twist cone.  I know that when I was growing up, my favorite thing to get from an ice cream truck was one of those cookie ice cream sandwiches, and my favorite Baskin Robbin's flavor was called Gold Medal Ribbon.  In junior high, my best friend had a slight obsession with Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream, so I must have tried it at some point.  But I was only vaguely aware of all the tasty flavors and variations of ice cream available to a frozen dessert connoisseur.

So when I discovered that my stomach had healed enough to allow me to eat ice cream, I decided to embark upon a quest, an epic ice cream taste test.  I will begin primarily with Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors, because clearly Ben & Jerry's is the premier brand of gourmet ice cream.  And so I created a Ben & Jerry's bucket list. Am I missing any flavors that you would recommend?

Ben & Jerry's Flavors to Taste Test: Available in Pint

(in no particular order)

  • Milk & Cookies
  • Phish Food
  • Karamel Sutra
  • Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch
  • Half-Baked
  • Volun-Tiramisu
  • Chocolate Fudge Brownie
  • Cherry Garcia
  • Rockin Blondies
  • Peanut Butter Jam Session
  • Hazed & Confused Core
  • Salted Caramel Core
  • Peanut Butter Fudge Core
  • Chubby Hubby
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  • That's My Jam
  • Candy Bar Pie
  • Banana Split
  • Banana Peanut Butter Greek Froyo
  • Cake Batter
  • Cheesecake Brownie
  • Chocolate Peppermint Crunch
  • Chocolate Therapy
  • Chunky Monkey
  • Cinnamon Buns
  • Coffee Coffeee BuzzBuzzBuzz
  • Smores Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Caramel Fudge
  • Strawberry Cheesecake
  • Strawberry Shortcake Greek Froyo
  • Red Velvet Cake
  • Raspberry Fudge Chunk Greek Froyo
  • Mint Chocolate Cookie
  • Peach Cobbler
  • Liz Lemon Froyo
  • What a Cluster
  • Americone Dream
  • Imagine Whirled Peace
  • New York Super Fudge Chunk
  • Everything But The... (Ice Cream)

Ben & Jerry's Flavors to Taste Test: Available Only at a Scoop Shop

(also in no particular order)
  • Turtle Cheesecake
  • Gilly's Catastrophic Crunch
  • Lazy Sunday
  • Two Wild & Crazy Pies
  • Coconut Seven Layer Bar
  • Sweet Cream & Cookies
  • Triple Caramel Chunk
  • Vanilla Toffee Bar Crunch
  • White Russian

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