During my quest to taste every currently available flavor of Ben & Jerry's, Cake Batter ice cream had become something of a Holy Grail. Although it's supposed to be just as widely available as any other flavor that comes in a pint, I haven't spotted it at any of the five local chain grocery stores where I have located every other flavor that is listed on the Ben & Jerry's website as being currently available. According to the website's Flavor Locator, there are no stores in my entire county that currently stick/sell Cake Batter - and there aren't any in the neighboring county either. It was starting to look like I was going to have to make a trip to southern New Jersey to get my hands on a pint of this stuff, and anybody who knows me knows how much I hate driving into New Jersey. The roads in NJ are extremely convoluted and the Jersey walls screw up your ability to simply turn left at an intersection or turn around if you have accidentally gone too far past your destination. I can't stand it. So of course I've been hoping that I could find another way to get some Cake Batter.
Then one day I while I was out for a walk, I decided to stop in at a random local gas station/convenience store to see what Ben & Jerry's they jad stocked in their mini-freezer. To my great excitement, they had pints of Cake Batter ice cream stacked in amongst the Red Velvet Cake, Phish Food and Half Baked. I felt a little bit like Indiana Jones, having located my very own Holy Grail. I gleefully paid for the pint, telling myself that $5 for a pint of ice cream was justifiable just this once, since I had been searching for this flavor literally for months. Then I half-ran all the way home, hoping that my precious cargo wouldn't melt too much on the way. I got it home and stuck it in the freezer, planning to sample it after dinner.
When I broke the plastic seal on the pint and pulled off the lid, I encountered a delicious sight - ample swirls of chocolate frosting running through the much-praised Vanilla Cake Batter ice cream. I eagerly scooped up the first spoonful, but as I let the ice cream roll around on my tongue, I experienced a huge let-down. My ice cream tasted like I had eaten a mouthful of sand. None of the reviews of Cake Batter that I had read on other ice cream blogs made any mention of any gritty texture at all, but my pint of Cake Batter literally tasted as though someone had dumped a bag of sand into the ice cream mixer. I flipped over the carton to check the Sell By Date and I was upset to find that the date stamped on the bottom was January 2013 - almost two years ago. I had no idea that freezer burn could ruin ice cream so completely, but clearly I need to start paying more attention to the Sell By Dates because this pint of Cake Batter was disgusting. Obviously this was an upsetting experience, particularly after having searched for this flavor for so long.
I'm happy to report, though, that the disgusting nature of that pint of Cake Batter was a fluke. After having such a difficult time locating this flavor near my home in New York, I decided I would make it my mission to find Cake Batter at a grocery store in the Washington DC metro area when we went to visit for Veteran's Day. I would scour all the Harris Teeters, Safeways and Giants until I found this elusive flavor. Except happily, I located Cake Batter at the first store that I tried. And this flavor was definitely worth the extended search.
First of all, the Vanilla Cake Batter ice cream did not disappoint. I have written before that I am not a fan of plain old Vanilla ice cream, but not all Vanilla ice creams are the same. And Vanilla Cake Batter ice cream is definitely not the same as Vanilla ice cream. There is something very distinct about the taste of Vanilla Cake Batter versus just plain old Vanilla, and Ben & Jerry's has once again gotten this taste nailed down perfectly.
And now we have to discuss the swirls of chocolate frosting. I am not sure that my descriptive powers can fully do these creamy, delicious chocolate frosting swirls the proper justice, so check out this picture -
Can you see how the chocolate frosting swirls are ooey gooey, creamy and delicious? When stored properly in the freezer so as to avoid the horrible monster of Freezer Burn, the frosting swirls manage to retain a very soft texture despite the cold temperature. Good job with the recipe for this one, Ben & Jerry's. I hope you pay your food scientists very, very well. (I'm sure that they do.)
In sum, with the flavor Cake Batter, Ben & Jerry's has really figured out how to replicate the taste of vanilla cake, which turns out to be much more exciting as an ice cream flavor instead of as a cake flavor, mashed up with frosting creamy chocolate frosting. This is coincidentally pretty much how I like to eat my cake - with the frosting mashed around to moisten the cake. So this flavor gets 4 stars, and I am really upset that I probably won't be able to buy it on a regular basis, since I can't seem to find it at a grocery store anywhere near my home. Even so, the quest for my Ben & Jerry's Holy Grail has ended, and ended on a high note indeed.